Nebraska Synod Cross+Generational Ministry
(Formerly Nebraska Synod 4G: Growing God’s Generous Generations)
In 2019, Nebraska Synod Faith Formation leaders gathered to offer two, day-long training events focused on The Generosity Project, ELCA. Bringing together a stewardship focus and desire to help all ages grow in utilizing their time, talent, and treasures, the trainings encouraged attendees to think about how stewardship
campaigns could be done in new ways. With the success of those events, and hearing requests for more cross+generational ideas, these faith formation leaders continued to meet. Soon, the Nebraska Synod 4G Network was formed. The focus was on Growing God’s Generous Generations. This Network continued to offer online webinars during synod assembly in the pandemic as well as offering resources for congregational leaders on a website, through Facebook posts, and on Pinterest.
As things usually do, this group has expanded beyond the bounds of Nebraska Synod and now includes leaders from South Dakota and Western Iowa Synods. It’s time for a name change. While the 4G Network, worked for a while, we want to be clear in what it is that this group offers as we want to serve congregations in the most helpful ways. Our name is now the Cross+Generational Ministry Network. Cross+Generational is a phrase coined by Rich Melheim. Its focus is bringing all ages together to learn with the cross of Christ as the focus. Many things in this world are intergenerational and that’s great! Cross+generational is intergenerational AND focused on Jesus’ amazing love for the world.
So, what can you expect from this group? With all of the changes in Faith Formation Ministries since the pandemic, we know that churches are trying to figure out the best steps forward. We believe that bringing all ages together is vital for the church and those who participate. With some churches facing lower numbers in all areas of involvement, it makes sense for people to learn from each other. Kids and adults have gifts that the others need. Each needs to hear why faith is important to them so that everyone can continue to grow in faith.
This group continues to offer resources at the various sites below. We are also available for consultation and helping to cast a vision for Cross+Generational Ministry in your area. This group of leaders is experienced in casting a vision in many churches. We’ve tried, failed, learned a lot, and would love to share our experiences.
Reach us through the website: or by calling Timothy at the Synod office. Join our Facebook group, Cross+Gen Ministry in Nebraska or follow us on Pinterest at Cross+Generational Ministry Resources.
Deacon Timothy Siburg
Deacon Kristin Johnson
Deacon Koren Lindley
Katherine Albin
Pastor Emily Dalen