This 8-week VBS series from the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin (ELCA) focuses on God's generosity & kindness across the generations.
This VBS curriculum was created by Pastor David Hall of St. John's Lutheran Church-Shell Creek, Nebraska, and it's designed for households to do at home.
ELCA World Hunger developed this free VBS curriculum to focus on God's gracious gift of water.
Summer Ideas
Summer finds some faith communities hosting Vacation Bible School (VBS), either in-person, virtually or a combination of both. Summer is also a fabulous time for people of all ages to enjoy spending time together. On this page you'll find resources for VBS as well as other summer faith and fun ideas. Enjoy God's creation and one another while you're enjoying some time of Sabbath renewal this summer!
Rev. Breen Sipes of North Platte created a free four-week curriculum for at-home VBS that features women of faith. Through song, stories, crafts, games and more, learn about Deborah, Hannah, Esther and Tabitha.
Summer camp curricula from Lutheran Outdoor Ministries are available to purchase in a "VBS Bundle."
Get on the list to receive information about Illustrated Ministry's newest VBS curriculum when it becomes available.
Find do-it-yourself instructions for creating kits that fit into a 64-ounce container and can literally travel with anyone anywhere.
This video series was created when the pandemic began as a way for families to have fun with their faith at home. Videos feature the themes Backyard Monday, Treasure Tuesday, Creative Wednesday and MORE!