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Lent Ideas

Lent is a season that lasts 40 days (excluding Sundays).  It starts on Ash Wednesday and ends the Saturday before Easter. Ideas here are for people of all ages to observe Lent through hands-on activities.  

Painting the Psalms buildfaith.jpg

Painting the Psalms is for everyone, those with no artistic leanings and those seasoned artists in our midst.  Gather together and reflect on the Psalms in a way that intertwines the creative arts and the beauty of poetry.

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Use strips of paper to pray with your family through Lent.

Co creating prayer for lent.jpg

Looking for online options?  Check out this creative way to co-create prayers for Lent.

Scratch Off 40 Days to Pray.jpg

Rev. Heather Roth Johnson shares some simple plans for a scratch-off prayer calendar.

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This Facebook page invites people to take a photo everyday in Lent based on a suggested word.

Reading a book

On this site, find free ideas to include and incorporate all ages into Lenten worship

Colored Pencils

This printable calendar template and step-by-step guide can be used to pray every day during Lent using color.

Post It

Use Post-It notes and stickers to journey through Lent.

Image by Swati H. Das

These hands-on activities focus on various ways to pray.

Sweet Pretzel

Pretzels have had a place in Lent for centuries.  You can learn more and try your hand at baking pretzels at this website.

Family at the Table

This resource shares ideas for caring conversations, devotions, prayers, blessings, service ideas and more. 

Image by Brett Jordan

The Lord's Prayer, petition prayers and other scripture-based activities are found here.

Image by Valentina Locatelli

Activities at this website let people explore the themes of each week's worship service beyond the walls of the church building.

Image by Adi Goldstein

A large number of resources for the seasons of Lent and Easter have been collected by faith formation staff with the  Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

Hands Holding Wooden Plate

ELCA World Hunger offers free downloadable activity guides for use during Lent that help raise awareness about hunger and poverty.

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